Why Piano Protégé?

  • Access to private instruction from a professionally trained piano teacher with a proven track record in teaching without ever having to leave your home. You will be getting a very similar curriculum to what I received through decades of taking lessons from highly acclaimed teachers and paying tens of thousands of dollars in that endeavor.
  • Training in a curriculum of piano technique and performance that has proven itself over decades of success at an unbelievably reduced price. 
  • Opportunity to practice with your teacher every day through recorded lessons that you can access anytime. 
  • Immediate knowledge of what you’re getting including what is taught in each course and specifics about how the content can be mastered. 
  • How can you get all of this at such an unbelievable price without even leaving your own home? Piano Protégé and some awesome technology make it possible! 
  • Ability to cater the curriculum to your individual needs - if you want to use the technique assignments from one level and combine it with the reading assignments from another, you can do that. Or, if you want to take two weeks on one lesson, or do two lessons in one week, you can do that. You are able to take it at your pace, in your location, and at your convenience, while never compromising the quality of what you are getting.

What is required to participate in a Piano Protégé course?

  • If you have a piano or keyboard, the internet, and a smart phone/tablet/computer, you can participate with us! Each course does have a few books and materials you will need to buy to get full benefit from the lessons, but it really is that simple. Piano, Internet, Device.
  • As with everything worth while, you will get out of it what you put into it. Consistent, quality practice as outlined in the lesson videos and assignments will guarantee great success.

How does it work?

  • After deciding what level you will begin in (access our "What Level Should I Begin In?" page), you can access all of the recorded lessons, assignments, and practice charts to begin your practice. You will want to make sure you have the required materials according to your specific level (accessible under the Required Materials tab).
  • Each week's recorded lesson will go through every element of the assignment and teach you how to play each assignment, how it should sound, and the best practice approach to get there. There are two camera angles enabling you to readily see what I am doing and how to do each element of the lesson. You can access and use the recording as much as you would like enabling you to practice with your teacher!
  • Lessons are designed to take about one week per assignment, and each level has 20 assignments. If you would like to adjust the timing to take more time to master all of the elements of a lesson, you are free to do that. You can also adjust the elements of the weekly assignment to cater to your specific wants and needs.
  • There are optional Master Classes and Recitals that will be held on a regular basis giving you opportunity for live feedback and performance opportunities. Get to know other students in the Piano Protégé community, and get live encouragement and feedback!
  • Schedule a consistent practice time, use the video recordings, and be dedicated to your time. Follow the instruction you are given, practice as outlined, and you will love what you see happen.

Does a virtual lesson allow for enough one-on-one interaction?

  • With capacity to practice with a recorded lesson, students can essentially practice daily with me, seeing exactly how each element should sound and look - a huge bonus I never got in weekly private lessons. :)
  • There will be regular performance opportunities through Master Classes and Recitals giving you opportunity for live feedback and performance opportunities. Get to know other students in the Piano Protégé community, and get live encouragement and feedback!
  • I will have weekly "office hours" where students can come to our virtual meeting room and ask anything and receive individual help and feedback.

Does my child need help while practicing during the week?

  • For beginning levels, parental guidance is strongly suggested for optimal progress and success. If your child is younger than 7 or 8, they will likely need daily assistance. After working daily with my six-year-old for about one year, I now can practice the first two days after her new assignments are given, and she will do the rest on her own with Mom on-hand to remind her of good practice principles or answer questions.
  • Older children should be trained how to practice and then gradually given that independence and responsibility. Our program is designed to teach effective practice tools and techniques that will assist in effectively completing all of the assignments and seeing awesome progress - whether with a parent or on their own.
  • Optional Master Classes and Recitals will help students be held accountable and give them exciting performance opportunities to work towards.
  • Assistance in practice with the recordings should be very helpful in training and clear instruction as to what and how to effectively complete each element of the lesson.
  • Our hope is that with a little experience and practice in using the technology, students will easily be able to navigate Teachable and use it on a daily basis to help them in their daily practice.

How much practice is required?

  • I place great emphasis on QUALITY of practice vs. the QUANTITY of practice. Following practice instructions and tips will be the most beneficial in each student's progress and preparation.
  • Completing the assignment with a plan for the week is the best way to progress and be prepared for each lesson.
  • Beginner students should plan on app. 30-45 minutes of daily practice. Parent guidance is encouraged in the early levels.
  • Intermediate students should plan on app. 60 min of daily practice in order to complete assignments and make consistent progress. 

What if a parent doesn’t know anything about the piano?

  • Do not fear! What a great opportunity for your child to learn WITH you! Instruction will be clear enough to enable everyone to learn and progress.
  • Recorded lessons help any parent know exactly how to practice each assignment, what it should sound like, and how to help their child find great success.

What will motivate my student to practice?

  • My hope is their progress and enjoyment in what they're doing will be an awesome self-motivator. Internal motivation is the ideal.
  • If you/your student doesn't love to practice, do not get discouraged! In my home of eleven children (seven with college training/degrees), I was the only one to enjoy practicing. I have found setting an expectation that is reasonable, but is consistent, with promise reward and positive music experiences, every student can learn to consistently put in the disciplined practice and see the amazing results. The results will be inspiring.
  • Consistently filling out the practice charts with a reward catered to your child is very rewarding.
  • Involving them in our optional Master Classes and Recitals will guarantee great motivation.

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